I now had experience in music videos, talk-shows and live coverage of the New Jersey Legislature which was like watching paint dry. Next on my new forms of production list was sports coverage. NJN and Rutgers University Football games had been added to our schedule. So I volunteered to act as assistant director for Frank Belmont who was on a comet ride to a major network sports job. He started as a production intern and worked his way up the TV ladder to producer/director of ABC national network sports productions after “graduating” from the Jersey “training” studio. I would be the director for replays – which was pioneered by ABC's Monday Night Football. Frank was determined to make our modest production facilities look like the new network coverage – which the audience now expected for all sports programs. Video replays started out as off-line videotaped segments being recorded during the broadcast feed. Because of our close ties ...
From the days of black and white live broadcasts to the digital age - a look back at the evolution of broadcast television from "behind the lens" - that led to a second career in the world of big business and new destinations. Copyright © Calvin Iszard 2022 All Rights Reserved