The years floated
by and like all things, familiarity bred contempt. I started to bite the
hand that fed me (add you own cliché here). As my job became repetitive
and routine, I started not to believe the slogans that I was promoting – making
communications accessible to everyone became grabbing a buck from as many as
possible. Telecommunications was not mired in the old ways as
evolved into an “entertainment and online store for the customers. Many
of the old guard were disappearing and the mantra for all of America’s
blue-chip companies was “down-sizing.” I used to quip to my secretary – “If
my boss calls get her name!” Then even those quips ended. I became
a “Self-Sufficient” manager which actually meant many of the support staff was
laid off or reassigned. Along with producing programs I had to type
my own contract letters, make copies at Office Depot and stop by the post
office – we no longer had company mail. Email had taken it’s place.
As technology was introduced to our systems the company shrunk.
And then one Monday I got the call
and I was directed to stop all productions, get rid of the regular freelancers
and oversee the outsourcing of my facility. (To me this was akin to being
a captured soldier in WWII being order to dig a grave and then jump in
it.) In a few months the three studios were dark and one of our
contracted companies was given a nifty contract to take over our
business. This was a brilliant move by upper management they show
diminishing headcount that would mean a better bottom like which ultimately
would result in a rise in our stock. They were patted on the back.
(But in there final report left out that a training tape that cost the company
$2500 to produce would now cost $15,000).
And on a beautiful Spring Day I turned in my ID, left my empty office
and reported to the Management Transition Center at our headquarters building
where laid-off executive could get a desk, a phone, the use of the copy machine
and resume and job seaching support classes – for a month.
And just like that my TV Journey came to an end. But in a few day I
got a phone call that started me on a totally new journey and to a much different destination.
And my journey took me a new adventure. But that's another story.
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